
Serie 1000

New at Orgatec.

Work today is more global, integrated, diverse and complex. Companies face the challenge of receiving fresh impetus and shaping work to meet the demands of the future – adapting their work organisation to the new forms of communication and work.

At ORGATEC in Cologne VS is presenting the great variety of the office living environment in all its facets. On show are modern furnishing concepts which impress with their innovative blend of different office forms and a particularly inviting, identity-establishing atmosphere.

The modern office is made up of different zones which are used diversely, depending on the situation, throughout the working day. Work is in progress – in line with the work flow of the new working environment. This is reflected by the furniture as a diverse office landscape, as the office living environment. WorkBench, MeetingRoom, CreativeRoom, ThinkTank, PhoneBox, Work & CommunicationLounge – a tour of the VS stand at ORGATEC shows highlights for all work areas in the office living environment.

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