Our services in the office segment | VS

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Our services in the office segment | VS

Our services in the office segment

The sustainable design of modern workspaces, which are always also learning environments, requires holistic thinking. This is where we, as VS, can play to our strengths. Education has been our focus for over 125 years. We have always integrated people, furniture, and technology. We offer our customers a comprehensive service, from planning and consultation to individual implementation, including project support and disposal.

Our service modules


Needs analysis

What exactly do you need? Our project specialists will visit you, ask plenty of questions, conduct analysis workshops with you, and listen closely to everything you say. The better we understand you, your company culture, and your processes, the more tailored our solution can be – whether it's for work or learning environments in your organisation.


Customer consultation and support

We operate through direct sales because only through direct interaction with our customers can we precisely develop and implement the furniture and space concepts they need for their learning and work environments. This means you deal directly with us as the manufacturer of your office furnishings – without intermediaries. Another advantage: you have a single point of contact with us – from planning and development through to production, delivery, installation, customer service, and on-site support. We can also provide expert guidance through change processes.


Acoustic consultation

We perceive our surroundings not only through our eyes but also through our ears. That's why it's important to plan a room acoustically. Excessive noise levels, poor speech intelligibility, or other unfavourable acoustic conditions can significantly affect our well-being and performance. Our acoustic experts are highly knowledgeable in this area.


Logistics and assembly

To ensure the fast and professional transport of our furniture and media, we collaborate with 14 shipping companies. Our assembly teams, distributed across 25 assembly locations nationwide, provide reliable on-site service.


Dismantling, reassembly, and disposal

Our trained assembly teams will professionally dismantle existing furniture – both VS products and third-party items – upon request and, if needed, reassemble them at another location within the same or a different building. Of course, we also offer to dispose of your existing furniture in an environmentally friendly manner.


Leasing and rental offers

How would you like to finance the furnishing of your workspaces? In addition to purchasing, we also offer leasing or rental models. This way, you maintain the flexibility that is best for you and your company.

Are you interested in us and our company?

Then get in touch with us!

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