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Differentiation room Secondary school

Our differentiation rooms in secondary schools are designed for flexibility and learning diversity. Carefully selected pieces of furniture create a customisable environment that allows teachers to respond to the individual needs of their pupils. Here they find the space to learn at their own pace and develop their skills.

PantoMove-VF, Drehstuhl, HV 41,5-56,5cm
Model: 31526
PantoMove-VFSwivel chair, height-adjustable,
seatshell plywood
Height-adjustable: 5-7 details
EcoTable 130x60cm, Quadratbein
Model: 23108
EcoTable-QRectangular table,
welded four-legged steel frame
W × D 130 × 60 cmFixed heights: 0/2/3/4/5/6/7 details
Shift+ Schrankmodul-BOX 3OH, 3xTür
Model: 45340
Shift+ LandscapeCabinet with 2 middle partitionsW × H × D 105.5 × 129 × 42.5 cm details

Atelier d'apprentissage avec FlipTable – École secondaire

Give your students room for personal growth! Our learning studio solutions offer flexibility and customisability.


Homework supervision, Learning office – Secondary school

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