NetWork NetWork Basic table. NetWork Add-on table. NetWork Basic table (Semicircular and trapezoid D=70, D=80). NetWork Basic table (Wedge-shaped D=70/90, D=80/100). NetWork Basic table (Terminal and corner table W=80). NetWork Hanging leave (Quarter-circle and triangular table D=80, D=100). NetWork Add-on table (Droplet and bow shaped table). NetWork CPU accessories and stand-at desk. NetWork Accessories for electrification. NetWork Accessories for electrification: LUCIO, PARA.MI, Tolomeo, Flo, Flo Plus Dual, M2.1, M8.1. NetWork Screen for rectangular table. NetWork Under-table screen for rectangular table. NetWork Under-table screen for irregular-shaped table. NetWork Spare part.